Sharepoint 2010 and BPM: The CIO's 21st Century Process Improvement Platform

Featured Speakers

Mark Gilbert, Research VP, Gartner

Mr. Gilbert is lead analyst on Microsoft SharePoint and covers content management, document management, document imaging and records management technologies.  In 2010, Mr. Gilbert was named to the SharePoint Influencer50 as one of the people most influencing purchases of SharePoint.

Steve Russell, CTO and SVP, Research & Development
Global 360, Inc.

Steve Russell joined Global 360 in March 2001 upon Global 360's acquisition of ViewStar Corporation from Avaya, Inc. Since joining Global 360, Mr. Russell has been instrumental in providing leadership for all research and development and other activities throughout the organization. Mr. Russell has broad experience in managing and developing workflow and data-automation system software.

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Learn from the Experts!

As business leaders demand more user-friendly solutions and adopt SharePoint to support their business, CIOs are faced with challenging decisions.

  • How can SharePoint be leveraged to drive cost down?
  • Are there ways to leverage it more strategically?
  • And how do we give users what they need without giving up control?

In this webcast, experts from Global 360 and Gartner address how combining SharePoint with business process management can provide high value enterprise applications. You will also see numerous examples of best-in-class business applications delivered on top of SharePoint.

Register below to view the on-demand Gartner video!

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