Update a Classic:
Move from Traditional to Contemporary Fax Solutions

Glance quickly at a classic and you may feel a little nostalgic for its original glory while also thinking it no longer has much value. But look more closely and you will notice that with an update, it can be even more useful than it originally was. The same can be said of faxing.

OpenText Fax Services eliminate the limitations of traditional faxing so your company can see how great this classic still looks. Whether you choose our software, cloud-based, or hybrid solution:

  • IT will see a reduction in money and support required from its organization with no more physical fax machines and phone lines to support or fax servers to maintain or upgrade.
  • Department managers will see increased productivity because faxes can be sent and received electronically from desktops. No manual steps, lines at the machine, or misplaced documents.
  • Compliance officers will see that the required privacy and security of information is easier to manage and document.

The reasons that faxing became a primary way for businesses to quickly and securely exchange information still apply. In fact, fax is used worldwide millions of times per day to send purchase orders, claim forms, supplier quotes, signed contracts, and a host of other documents. Take a look at nine reasons businesses still fax:

Still faxing? Of course you are!

Published 5/29/14 at 11:11 AM by Greg Horton

Fax has a unique combination of characteristics that hasn’t fully been replaced. You might find multiple technologies that cover the same 9 reasons – but fax is the one technology that accomplishes all nine.

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It’s time to get started on the transformation of your fax services solution:

  • Understand your requirements and evaluate your options – Your optimal enterprise fax solution may be on-premises, in the cloud, or a hybrid.
  • Discover results other businesses see with a contemporary approach to faxing.
  • Get the expert help and information you need to make this update a smooth and successful one.